Source: Website of the Vienna Center for Logics and Algorithms, TU Wien

“Laura Kovács (TU Wien) from the FORSYTE research group (Formal Methods in System Engineering) has received ERC Consolidator Grant 2020 from the European Research Council (ERC) for her project ARTIST – Automated Reasoning with Theories and Induction for Software Technology. Results of the project will be able to be easily integrated and used in other technologies, supporting end-users and developers of formal verification engines to apply saturation-based first order (FO) theorem proving without the need of becoming experts in FO reasoning. ARTIST project builds upon previous results from Laura Kovacs’s ERC projects, such as ERC Starting Grant and ERC Proof of Concept Grant. The methods and tools developed within the project will be evaluated on academic and industrial programs, in the framework of ongoing collaborations with verification teams at Microsoft Research, Amazon Web Services and Certora. The funding – up to €2 million per grant, plus in some cases an additional €1 million for start-up costs – is provided for up to five years and mostly covers the employment of researchers and other staff to consolidate the grantees’ teams.”